Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

I want that kind of Love II

Poetry/song written by Pam Blair, Dance by Shay Nothstine, Music by Rick Braun

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, April 4, 2011

In appreciation for the Single Mom

What Have I Done For Me Lately...
Ode to Pam

I have come to understand that to keep my sanity, I must indulge in a bit of vanity and do some things for me.
The chaos that surrounds in leaps and bounds keeps me in a constant state of concern
I must balance a million things, including a son in his teens who's driving.
Parents are getting older and it falls on my shoulders, as I am an only child
I am exhausted by the fight and I need to take flight and tend to my soul.
Do something just for me that sets me free from the burdens of life
I need to let loose sometimes, release the ties that bind and escape.
I am not talking about going crazy or being totally lazy but only to think of myself once in a while.
To look inside where the real me hides and talk some sweet things to her.
Remind myself that it won't always be so hard, being constantly on guard and there will be peace.
So I let calgon take me away or treat myself as a queen for a day by doing what I want.
Make some time, to be set apart from the grind of all the responsibilities.
No kids to pick up, no worrying about all the stuff that needs to be done.

I am going to think of ME, put some water to my tree and soak up the nourishment.
I know that if I don't tend to my spirit for more than a minute, I will have nothing for anyone else.
So I will turn off my Verizon and gaze into the horizon listening only to my heart.
This heart that cares so deeply for others, is feeling a bit smothered by life.
I will lay my burdens down, smile instead of frown and concentrate on who I am.
Rest in the wonder that is me, take time to see - I am a marvelous woman.
Through my hands lives are touched and I accomplish much with whatever I have.
Life to me has not always been fair and yet I dare to keep hope alive.
Hoping for more, because the reality is, my score is ahead.
The battle of cancer I have won, teaching my son to believe in miracles.
Through God's mathematics, I am able to stretch my paycheck and keep a roof over our heads.
Even though my days are filled with meetings that never end, there is poetry penned and songs always on my lips.
I find that somehow God stretches my time, fattens my dime, gets me through the daily grind, allows me a bit of playtime and reminds me that I am still in my prime and true love will be mine in THIS lifetime, for sure.
I will not give up, but encouraged that god will continue to fill my cup again and again.
Oh, it feels sweet to give myself the treat of remembering who I am.
Now, I will change the station back to the everyone else nation - thanks for listening.

By my good friend Sue Barnard March 2011